Pool in woodland Northamptonshire

Badger sett in wood in Oxfordshire

BREEAM evaluation of Kent brownfield site by Milton Keynes ecologist

Pool in woodland Northamptonshire
Whether you are planning a house extension or a substantial green or brownfield development, we can offer you the right level of ecological evaluation and personalised support to help you through the planning process. We can also contribute to ecological monitoring of sites including woodland, meadow, heathland, hedgerows, ponds and streams.
We offer a range of specialist surveys to identify and characterize populations of species including: those protected by EU and UK wildlife law, BAP species and invasive aliens, like Japanese knotweed, that are covered by Schedule 9 of the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981(as amended). We provide advice on species protection, mitigation and management, and have access to a team of associates to ensure you always have the work done by an expert.
Greenwood Environmental has been advising developers on how to achieve ecological credits under BREEAM schemes including Code for Sustainable Homes, Ecohomes and BREEAM Non-residential since 2006. Even if you are not working to a scheme, we can offer advice on how to enhance and manage the ecological value of your property.